Orange Blossom Beekeepers Association
Monthly Meeting: April 16, 2020
OBBA Announcements
- What happened Last Month?
- Ongoing Projects
- Upcoming Plans
March Workshop
- Made (25) nucs across apiary
- Re-queened!
- Extracted and bottled over 95 lbs of honey to sell (Thanks Andrew!)
New: Member Apiary
New project:
A apiary for members who do not have a space to manage their own bees.
Almost ready to go live!
OBBA Memembership
We have online signup now!
Please pay your annual dues:
Saturday Workshop
- Date: Apr 19, 2020
- Time: 8:00 AM
- Location: Virtual - Details via Slack!
2020 National Honey Bee Day
Still tentatively on…
- Planning Committee met on March 11
- Date: August 15, 2020
Working on:
- Vendors
- Food trucks
- Marketing
- Music
April / May Bee Management
Current UF Management Recommendations (April)
- Remedy failing queens as necessary
- Swarm control
- Make nucs/splits
- Super as necessary
What is blooming in Central Florida (April)
- American Beautyberry
- American Holly
- Black Tupelo
- Blueberry
- Butter Mint
- Dog Hobble
- Fetterbush
- Galberry
- Hawthorn
- Mexican Clover
- Orange
- Palmetto, Cabbage Palm
- Spanish Needle
- Sweet Clover
- Yaupon Holly
Current UF Management Recommendations (May)
- Remedy failing queens as necessary
- Swarm control
- Super as necessary
What is blooming in Central Florida (May)
- American Holly - Ilex opaca - Butter Mint
- Butter Mint, Buttermint, bushmints - Hyptis spp.
- Dahoon Holly - Ilex cassine
- Dog Hobble - Leucothoe
- Fetterbush - Lyonia lucida
- Galberry - Ilex glabra
- Gopher Apple - Licania michauxii
- Joint Weed - Polygonella spp.
- Mexican Clover - Richardia spp.
- Ogeechee (White) Tupelo - Nyssa ogeche
- Palm - many species
- Palmetto, Cabbage Palm - Sabal palmetto
- Sandhill Prarie Clover - Dalea spp.
- Spiderwort/Dayflower - Tradescantia virginiana
- Yaupon Holly - Ilex vomitoria
Stay involved, Stay connected
Orange Blossom Beekeepers AssociationMonthly Meeting: April 16, 2020