Orange Blossom Beekeepers Association

Monthly Meeting: Nov 19, 2020

OBBA Announcements

What's the buzz?


OBBA Meetings

Monthly Virtual Meetings for now…

View previous meeting presentations on our website (news-and-updates/past-meeting-presentations)


OBBA Workshops

If you are interested in visiting our association apiary or our member apiary, please reach out to one of our apiary managers on Slack.

Honey For Sale

We still have OBBA honey to purchase!

Number (1 lbs) Price
1 bottle $10
2 bottles $18
3 bottles $25

Research: The impact of beekeeper treatment on honeybee viruses

  • Allison:
    • OBBA Member
    • Biology PhD student at UCF
  • Goal: To help inform local beekeepers of what works best for their area in keeping viral loads down

Research: Participation

  1. Survey regarding the various tools and methods we as beekeepers use to improve bee health
  2. Sampling hives of willing beekeepers for common bee viruses

OBBA WikiBee



Siemens Green Initiative Partnership

  • In discussions with Siemens for a mutually beneficial relationship with 1-2 hives on their property!
  • Plan: Install 1-2 hives in the Spring!

Open floor for other announcements


OBBA Memembership

You can pay your annual dues:


OBBA Member Apiary (North)

  • If you:
    • Do not have a place to practice beekeeping AND
    • Would like to have a hive

Let Matt (OBBA President) or Andrew/Craig (Apiary Managers) know!

OBBA Member Apiary (East)

In later stages for member apiary on east side of Orlando closer to UCF!

Almost ready…

Nov/Dec Bee Management

Current UF Management Recommendations (Nov)

  • Monitor colonies for varroa
  • Consider treating colonies for Nosema (Fumagilin)
  • Monitor for and control small hive beetles
  • Feed colonies if light

What is blooming in Central Florida (Nov)

  • Bush Aster - Aster spp.
  • Goldenrod - Solidago spp.
  • Mexican Clover - Richardia spp.
  • Primrose Willow - Ludwigia spp.
  • Smart Weed - Polygonum spp.
  • Spanish Needle - Bidens spp.
  • Spotted Mint - Monarda punctata
  • Vine Aster - Ampelaster carolinianus

Current UF Management Recommendations (Dec)

  • Monitor colonies for varroa
  • Monitor for and control small hive beetles
  • Consider treating colonies for Nosema (Fumagilin)
  • Feed colonies if light

What is blooming in Central Florida (Dec)

  • Bush Aster - Aster spp.
  • Goldenrod - Solidago spp.
  • Mexican Clover - Richardia spp.
  • Primrose Willow - Ludwigia spp.
  • Spanish Needle - Bidens spp.
  • Wild Radish/Wild Mustard - Raphanus raphanistrum

A word on Florida Winter

  • The warm temperatures keep the bees active all year long
  • The temperature fluctuations are confusing to bees
  • Remember: Just because the bees are flying doesn’t mean they are producing

Overwintering in Florida

  • Entrance reducers: Help with warmth and hindering robbing
  • Solid bottom boards: If temperatures get very low, it adds an extra layer of protection
  • Check for nectar and honey stores early: Feed if needed
  • Remove queen excluders: Allow the queen can move into the super if necessary
  • Watch Varroa mite levels

Stay involved, Stay connected


Making Mead the (Mostly) Period Way


Speaker: Heather F.