Orange Blossom Beekeepers Association

Monthly Meeting: January 20, 2022

OBBA Announcements

What's the buzz?


OBBA Workshop

No Workshop this month

(Too cold and rainy)


Honey For Sale

We have OBBA honey to purchase!

Number (1 lbs) Price
1 bottle $10
2 bottles $18
3 bottles $25

Pay Dues

You can pay your annual dues:


January / February Bee Management

Current UF Management Recommendations


  • Repair/paint old equipment
  • Feed colonies if light (or combine colonies)
  • Check for Nosema - possibly treat with fumagilin


  • Feed colonies if light (or combine colonies)
  • Check for Nosema - possibly treat with fumagilin
  • Check for AFB and/or EFB - possibly treat with oxytetracycline or tylsoin (Needs a Rx)

What is blooming in Central Florida (January)

  • Red Maple
  • Sand Pine
  • Wild Mustard
  • Willow

red-maple-150.jpg sand_pine-150.jpg wild-mustard-150.jpg willow-150.jpg

What is blooming in Central Florida (February)

  • Cherry
  • Fetterbush
  • Hawthorn
  • Maple
  • Oak
  • Plum
  • Sand Pine
  • Swamp Titi
  • Sweet Clover
  • Water Viburnum
  • Willow

Swarm Season is coming!


Orange Blossom Beekeepers Association

  • Our Motto:
    • "Creating beekeepers for life"
  • Our Mission:
    • To educate, mentor, assist, inspire, support and promote beekeeping in the state of Florida and beyond.

Our Goals:

  • To provide education to all those who desire to learn.
  • To mentor those eager to carry on the beekeeping knowledge.
  • To assist those with beekeeping concerns.
  • To inspire interest in beekeeping in youth.
  • To support and promote a community and global beekeeping spirit.
  • To increase club membership, networking and visibility in our community.

OBBA 2022 and beyond!

Let's consider our long term outlook

  • We have been in existence for over a decade
  • We have several positions filled
  • We could benefit from codifying our organization

Constitution and By-Laws Proposal

Influenced by:

  • New Hampshire Beekeepers Association
  • Midwestern Association
  • Texas Beekeepers Association
  • Virginia Beekeepers Association

Proposal: OBBA Constitutional By-Laws

The Constitutional Bylaws of the Orange Blossom Beekeepers Association may be amended by two-thirds vote of the members present at any regular meeting of the Association.

Bylaws changes or amendments that are ratified by the Association at a regular meeting will go into effect immediately, with the exception of changes to dues, which will go into effect the following January 1.

Article I – Name

The name of this organization, a non-profit association, shall be, The Orange Blossom Beekeepers Association, constituted by charter in Orange County, Florida, Month 01, 202X

Article II – Purpose

The Orange Blossom Beekeepers Association is organized to engage in any activities which will increase knowledge of and promote apiculture in Central Florida including, for such purpose, the making of distributions to organizations that qualify as exempt organizations under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or the corresponding section of any future federal tax code.

Article II – Section 1 - Motto and Mission

  • OBBA Motto: "Creating beekeepers for life"
  • OBBA Mission:
    • To educate, mentor, assist, inspire, support and promote beekeeping in the state of Florida and beyond.

Article II – Section 2 - Objectives

  • To provide education to all those who desire to learn.
  • To mentor those eager to carry on the beekeeping knowledge.
  • To assist those with beekeeping concerns.
  • To inspire interest in beekeeping in youth.
  • To support and promote a community and global beekeeping spirit.
  • To increase club membership, networking and visibility in our community.

Article III – Membership and Dues

  • Any individual interested in becoming a member of this Association may do so by completing the membership form and paying the dues set forth by the Executive Board. Memberships will be valid for a period set by the Board of Directors, but shall not expire prior to December 31 of the same year.
  • Each membership is allowed one vote.
  • Members in good standing may vote in association elections or bylaws changes. Members in good standing must have attended at least three association sanctioned events within the last 12 months as a paid member and be at least 14 yrs old at the time of the vote.

Article III – Membership and Dues

  • Member classes
    • Individual
    • Family
  • Student

Article IV – Directors – Duties

The governing body of this association will be the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors shall consist of five members. The Board of Directors has authority to make decisions, direct policy, and any other action it deems necessary for the success of the Association unless otherwise stated in this document. Directors of the Association must be members in good standing at the time of election and must remain members in good standing during their entire term.

Article IV – Section 1

The Board of Directors shall consist of the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and one additional Director.

Article IV – Section 2

In case of a death or resignation of an officer or Director of this Association, the vacancy shall be filled by a majority vote by and from the Association members at the earliest possible regular meeting or special meeting if deemed necessary by the President.

Article IV – Section 3

Other positions? (discuss later)

Article V – Officers – Duties

The Executive Officers of the Association shall consist of President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and the one additional Director. The Executive Officers are elected at the last meeting of each year by a majority vote of the members present. The President and Secretary shall serve two-year terms beginning on even numbered years. The Vice President and Treasurer shall server two-year terms beginning on odd numbered years. The additional Board member shall serve a one-year term.

Article V – Section 1

The President shall preside at all meetings of the Association and of the Board of Directors. The President has the authority to call any special meetings of Membership or the Board of Directors at any time or place deemed necessary by the President. The President also has the authority to appoint committees and to appoint individuals to specific jobs.

Article V – Section 2

The Vice President shall preside in the absence of the President and assume all of the duties of the President in the President’s temporary absence. The Vice President shall also serve as Program Director.

Article V – Section 3

The Secretary shall carry on all correspondence of the association, keep minutes of the regular meetings, and give a report at each regular meeting.

Article V – Section 4

The Treasurer shall collect membership dues and all other funds and have charge of all moneys collected. The Treasurer shall give a Treasurer’s report at regular meetings. All funds of the Association shall be deposited in such bank as the Board of Directors shall authorize. The Treasurer shall be authorized to sign drafts and checks of the Association in the discharge of day-to-day budgeted business accounts. Signature authority for payment amounts greater than 20% of the total liquid assets of the Association requires prior approval by majority vote by the Association Membership present at a regular meeting, except that funds donated for a specific purpose may be paid for that purpose by the Treasurer without a membership vote.

Article V – Section 5

The additional Board Member will be the Membership Director and will be responsible for supporting the membership, and recruitment and promotion of members. The Membership Director will coordinate club activities at community events. (S)he may collect membership applications and dues on behalf of the club.

Article V – Section 6

Only voting members may serve as officers of the Association, as the Association's delegates to other organizations, or as chairperson of any select committees.

Article V – Section 7

In the event a board member abandons an office or is otherwise neglectful in the duties of the office, the board member may be removed from office by nomination and vote of the membership. At any regular meeting, any member may nominate a board member for removal. A board member nominated for removal is subject to majority vote of the members present at the regular meeting following his nomination for removal. A board member so removed may be replaced at the same regular meeting by nomination and majority vote of the members present.

Article V - Ideas??


  • Directors at Large (6)
  • Committees
    • Nomination
    • Meeting
    • Special
  • Positions
    • Apiary Manager
    • Association Editor
    • Publications Director
    • IT Director

Article VI – Meetings

The Orange Blossom Beekeepers Association shall hold regular monthly meetings on the Third Thursday of each month, not less than 6 regular meetings annually, beginning January 1, and such meetings as may be called by the President.

Article VII - Constitutional Bylaws Amendments

The Constitutional Bylaws of the Orange Blossom Beekeepers Association may be amended by two-thirds vote of the members present at any regular meeting of the Association.

Bylaws changes or amendments that are ratified by the Association at a regular meeting will go into effect immediately, with the exception of changes to dues, which will go into effect the following January 1.

Article VIII - Dissolution

Upon dissolution of the Association, all assets and funds shall be given to … or, in the event this laboratory is no longer in existence, the assets and funds shall be given to another IRS recognized educational non-profit.

Article IX - Use of Association Funds

No part of the net earnings of the corporation shall inure to the benefit of, or be distributable to its members, trustees, officers, or other private persons, except that the corporation shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of the purposes set forth in Article Third hereof. No substantial part of the activities of the corporation shall be the carrying on of propaganda, or otherwise attempting to influence legislation, and the corporation shall not participate in, or intervene in any political campaign on behalf of or in opposition to any candidate for public office.

Article IX - Use of Association Funds (Continued)

Notwithstanding any other provision of these articles, the corporation shall not carry on any other activities not permitted to be carried on (a) by a corporation exempt from federal income tax under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or the corresponding section of any future federal tax code, or (b) by a corporation, contributions to which are deductible under section 170(c)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code, or the corresponding section of any future federal tax code.

Moving Forward 2022

  • Post this OBBA Constitutional By-Laws on website for discussion
  • Discuss over Slack under Meetings
  • Vote on this OBBA Constitution By-Laws in February
  • President Elections in February

Stay involved, Stay connected
