Monthly Meeting: Feb 16, 2023
What's the buzz?
Saturday, Feb 25, 2023 (tentative)
Florida Conference United Church of Christ 9300 University Blvd, Orlando, FL 32817
Help the Orange Blossom Beekeepers Association Organize and Implement a National Honey Bee Day Celebration at the UF Extension Conway location on Saturday, August 19, 2023
How do you envision a perfect National Honey Bee Day? We'd like to know and we'd like your help!
Planning will start in March!
Sign up here:
An Integrated Pest Management Approach
Queen selection:
Interrupting the honey bee development cycle also interrupts Varroa development
More Effective
Minimally Effective
All colonies in an apiary should be treated at the same time with the same chemical or non-chemical technique.
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